• photo: Max Vos de Wael
  • photo: Manny Fontanilla
  • photo: Manny Fontanilla
  • photo: Manny Fontanilla
Booking Info:

Agent: Mane and Rose

+44 203 883 7877
e-mail agent
website agent

Contact Jeremiah:

+31(0)6 - 155 70 129
e-mail jeremiah

Jeremiah Directing 'Hamlet, the family play'

HamletHamlet, de famalievoorstelling is a satire of Hamlet.  It is both a fun & irreverent telling the story of Hamlet in a way which is accessible to all age groups but and can also be enjoyed on different levels by both kids & adults.

The goal of our show is for everyone to have a fun-filled evening of laughter in which they also learn the story (if they haven't known it before) of Hamlet.  Theater ''O'' is a great group of people to work with who are very passionate about performing theater but who don't take themselves too seriously.  Everybody is involved in the process and there is a great level of teamwork between everybody.

I hope you come see the show!

Jeremiah Fleming

Performance dates:

  • Friday 21 June - 20:00 (premiere)
  • Saturday 22 June - 20:00
  • Sunday 23 June - 14:30
  • Thursday 27 June - 20:00
  • Friday 28 June - 20:00
  • Saturday 29 June - 20:00
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